Thursday, 26 May 2016

Term 2 week 4 reflection

 This is my maths I did at mr a's workshop and we were changing fraction into a decimal and as you see I got them all right. I am doing well with it but is not my goal but now I can do it well.

Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Fern Georgia maliesi

This is Fern Maliesi and me-Georgia and this is our pephea presentation. If you know about pepeha's please leave a comment about what we can do better and if you do not know about pepheas pplease leave a comment and tell me what you learnt.

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

making connections

                Making connections

                 By Sophie and Georgia

Making connections is about things that are connected to your life’ for example I had this connection. Sophie had this connection with the same book:

I am reading Tom gates Everything's Amazing Sort of and I make a connection with the book because I bug my older brother, tom gates bug’s his older sister. Georgia

I make a connection with Tom Gates because he is bugged by his best friends dog and I get bugged with my dog. Sophie

 A connection is your life and the book connection.