Thursday, 2 March 2017

My reflectshon on Y6 Whakangahau

I think the Whakangahau was great because Mr Ritai's speech was cool. What does my badge mean to you? you may ask well it means a lot because it say probably the best message which is Tu Kaha witch means stand tall. Stand tall means  to me to care for others don't do the easy thing do the right thing and never give up. If someone is distracted you press your ignore button and ignore them.

I felt nerves my heart was racing I was shaking when i went up to get my badge but I was happy as well the reason why I was happy was because i have been looking ford to get my badge because I want people to know that I am a year six and ready to help everyone.

One more message you don't need a badge to be a leader.

here is my video of how I want to be remembered

1 comment:

  1. Hi Georgia
    How true your words are. You are certainly a very kind person with a big heart for others. Wear your badge with pride and stand by those words "Tu kaha".
